My Anti-Racist Business Toolkit for small business owners is designed to help entrepreneurs reflect on their current practices and take actionable steps to create meaningful change.

Create a business with intention & design the workplace you desire using the Anti-Racist Toolkit. Ready to foster a more inclusive business and contribute to a more equitable society?



About the author

I’m Maria and I’m passionate about reshaping the business landscape through an equity lens. ❤️

I believe businesses thrive when they embrace and celebrate diversity. That’s why I created this toolkit. Ready to foster a more inclusive business and contribute to an equitable society? My Anti-Racist Business Toolkit is designed to help entrepreneurs reflect on their current practices and take actionable steps to create meaningful change.

🌟the TOOLKIT is designed to help business owners reflect on current practices and take actionable steps to foster a more inclusive business.🌟

Ready to drive positive change within your business and contribute to a more equitable society? 🙋🏽


Discover how to hire for diversity


Get steps to cultivate a supportive workplace culture


Learn to build inclusive teams


Assess your current practices


Tips on how to measure and monitor progress


Take personal anti-racist actions

Maria Ortega

I’m Maria and I’m passionate about reshaping the business landscape through an equity lens. This work is driven by the belief that businesses thrive when they embrace and celebrate diversity.

This checklist will help you reflect on your current practices and give you some ideas of actionable steps you can take to create meaningful change.

Remember, this work is tough but not impossible. I believe in your ability to change and I’m always here to support.

You can make a difference. 

Sometimes you just need a little help making it that way.